
Michael S. Lamonsoff nas Notícias

Michael S. Lamonsoff, um advogado proeminente conhecido pelas litigações de alto perfil de seu escritório, aparece frequentemente em televisões locais e internacionais, rádio, bem como em notícias impressas tradicionais, incluindo CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS e FOX, entre outros. Ele também apareceu em algumas das principais estações de rádio sindicalizadas do país. Suas percepções e comentários especializados sobre questões legais atuais tornaram-no uma figura respeitada na comunidade jurídica. Abaixo estão apenas algumas das muitas listagens em que ele foi destaque ao longo dos anos.

The Law Offices of Michael S. Lamonsoff

Aparições de Michael S. Lamonsoff na TV

Michael S. Lamonsoff, Esq., fez inúmeras aparições na televisão, tanto local quanto internacionalmente. Ele apareceu em relação aos casos de alto perfil que ele e seu escritório litigam, bem como fornecendo comentários sobre questões legais em destaque na mídia. Ele já apareceu na CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, bem como na televisão alemã, chinesa e brasileira.

Michael Lamonsoff on Spectrum 1 TV - Supporting 1 year extension for the Adult Survivors Act

Michael Lamonsoff on Spectrum 1 TV - Supporting 1 year extension for the Adult Survivors Act

Michael Lamonsoff on PIX11 - Lithium Battery Accident Lawyer

Michael Lamonsoff on PIX11 - Lithium Battery Accident Lawyer

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed by Honey German for Power 105.1's 'CEO Unplugged' podcast.

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed by Honey German for Power 105.1's 'CEO Unplugged' podcast.

WPIX: Michael represents client who was wrongfully incarcerated for 18 years

WPIX: Michael represents client who was wrongfully incarcerated for 18 years

German TV Tagesscau: Michael represents bystander, a victim of police gunfire

German TV Tagesscau: Michael represents bystander, a victim of police gunfire

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed on Today’s Verdict, reviewing Police Misconduct

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed on Today’s Verdict, reviewing Police Misconduct

Michael Lamonsoff on NBC discusses his clients’ assault by NBA players

Michael Lamonsoff on NBC discusses his clients’ assault by NBA players

Michael discusses Engineer’s suit to Metro North after falling asleep

Michael discusses Engineer’s suit to Metro North after falling asleep

Michael interviewed on Fox5 questioning Engineer’s suit in Metro-North train crash

Michael interviewed on Fox5 questioning Engineer’s suit in Metro-North train crash

Michael discusses Engineer’s claim of Deficient Safety Culture after derailment

Michael discusses Engineer’s claim of Deficient Safety Culture after derailment

Michael Lamonsoff is interviewed to discuss proceedings for police brutality

Michael Lamonsoff is interviewed to discuss proceedings for police brutality

Michael Lamonsoff discusses the outrage involved with Kamilah Brock’s case

Michael Lamonsoff discusses the outrage involved with Kamilah Brock’s case

Michael discusses Hospital’s negligence in mixing up newborn babies

Michael discusses Hospital’s negligence in mixing up newborn babies

Michael Lamonsoff discusses police’s failure to investigate teenage daughter’s death

Michael Lamonsoff discusses police’s failure to investigate teenage daughter’s death

Michael examines funeral nightmare and how it could’ve been avoided

Michael examines funeral nightmare and how it could’ve been avoided

Michael shares his thoughts on ABC7 concerning a husband’s missing ashes

Michael shares his thoughts on ABC7 concerning a husband’s missing ashes

Today’s Verdict: Michael discusses legal standards concerning victims of Ferry Accidents

Today’s Verdict: Michael discusses legal standards concerning victims of Ferry Accidents

Wrongfully Accused

Wrongfully Accused

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed on Chinese News Station, NDT, discussing Police negligence

Michael Lamonsoff interviewed on Chinese News Station, NDT, discussing Police negligence

Michael represents client, an assault victim of a Hate Crime

Michael represents client, an assault victim of a Hate Crime

Michael talks about incident involving a teacher assaulting a student

Michael talks about incident involving a teacher assaulting a student

Michael discusses Metro-North’s train crash and failure to compensate victims

Michael discusses Metro-North’s train crash and failure to compensate victims

Michael on ABC7 discusses the deadly but foreseeable explosion in Manhattan

Michael on ABC7 discusses the deadly but foreseeable explosion in Manhattan

Michael discusses client who was beaten for Public Safety’s mistake

Michael discusses client who was beaten for Public Safety’s mistake

Minister being harassed by Police, who constantly visit his home

Minister being harassed by Police, who constantly visit his home

NY1 Coverage of Fernando Bermudez Lawsuit Against NY

NY1 Coverage of Fernando Bermudez Lawsuit Against NY

The Law Offices of Michael S. Lamonsoff

Entrevistas de Michael S. Lamonsoff no Rádio

O Sr. Lamonsoff foi destaque na maioria das estações de rádio nacionais, incluindo 710 WOR e 1010 WINS, e já apareceu com Angie Martinez e Charlamagne Tha God do Breakfast Club da Power 105.1.

Charlemagne Tha God on Michael Lamonsoff Supporting the Breakfast Club of Power 105.1

Mr. Lamonsoff Interviewed by WINS 1010 News on the Filing of Lawsuits for the 1/8/2021 Tragic Bronx Fire

La Mega 97.9 called ‘The Bull’ to help construction workers.

Michael's interview with Charlamagne Tha God

Michael's interview with Charlamagne Tha God

Michael talks with Angie Martinez on Power 105.1

Michael speaks with Charlamagne Tha God

Michael on the air with Angie Martinez on Power 105.1

The Law Offices of Michael S. Lamonsoff

Entrevistas de Michael S. Lamonsoff em Jornais

O Sr. Lamonsoff foi amplamente citado na imprensa escrita sobre os casos de grande repercussão que seu escritório lida, bem como sobre questões jurídicas atuais na mídia.

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The Law Offices of Michael S. Lamonsoff

Entrevistas de Michael S. Lamonsoff em Revistas

O Sr. Lamonsoff foi entrevistado em várias revistas e publicações.

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